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Paul Wertico Signature Drum Tuning Key-Clip
Slug Percussion Products is now manufacturing a Paul Wertico Signature Drum Tuning Key-Clip.
The Paul Wertico Signature Drum Tuning Key-Clip is always where you need it! Clips to 7/8" to 1 1/8" tubular hardware. Works with all standard .218" drum tension rods. Easy to hold and use for fast tuning and drum head changes. Made of Super tough glass filled Nylon. Strong enough to tune drums, and does not damage hardware.
Paul Wertico, 8728 N. Drake, Skokie, Illinois 60076
Please allow at least 6 weeks (possibly more because of my schedule) for delivery. Void where prohibited by law. Not available to Illinois residents.
Made in USA
1992 GOOD DESIGN Award Winner -
The Chicago Athenaeum: The Museum of Architecture and Design